அறிஞர் அண்ணாவின் கட்டுரைகள்

Yes-men! Note, Please !

Harikrishna Mahatab is now at the helm of affairs at Orissa.

The luxury of Bombay wherein he was for some years Governor, did not rob him of his energy and imagination—bright and active personalities on attaining Governorships, usually tend to grow fat in body, and thin in their enthusiasm and imagination.

Placed now at the helm of affairs, in a place which has attained the position of being a problem State, this Ex-Governor, has begun well to prove his mettle, He has taken upon himself in order. Not only that. He is all enthusiastic about the State's rights and rightly so.

Burdened with 'Yes-men' in our own State, it is refreshing to note the energy and vision shown by this ex-Governor.

Taxes and more taxes, explanations followed by apologias, promises and more promises without an iota of idea to carry them out—these are the guiding principles that some of the Chiefs have set before themselves. Not so, this man with the mettle!

"I have a mission to fulfill"—he is bold enough to say, not merely a place to occupy, or a duty to shoulder, but a Mission One rarely finds men at the helm of affairs talking about Mission!! Most of them seem to think that all talk about Mission in life, should stop with the attainment of office, big or small!

But Mahatab feels that having been placed in position, he should stand by the people in all their legitimate aspirations—and should not let them down, by mouthing tall talks and pious platitudes

Orissa have got a grievance against Delhi.

When the States were re-organised Delhi parcelled out bits of territories from various States, and tagged them on to other States, without much rhyme or reason.

Protests were not heeded to—deputations returned, empty handed—and Delhi had only one argument to say. "It is foolish to be provincial or parochial, or communal!"

Much injustice has been perpetrated by Delhi, in the name of the theory Bharat, one and indivisible.

Orissa has not forgotten, the injustice done—and forgets to snore over the incident.

are the territories that belong to Orissa, looked at from any point of view, historical, economic etc.

But Delhi had only one angle—its own—irrespective of the wishes of the people of any particular State!

So Orissa was not given a fair treatment—and today the State stands emaciated—slices of its territory having been cut off from it.

Yes! But what is there to cry over? These patches have not been sold or rented out to Afghanistan of Azerbaistan; they are in Bharat and part of it! Why this uproar! What if they are with Bihar or Bengal?—all these are but parts of that one whole, Bharat!—said, Mr. Kamaraj, when in our State, we have lost,

and such other, rich portions.

All arguments, that any impartial tribunal will accept were advanced by the Kamaraj ministry too. Historically, these areas belong to Tamil Nadu! The majority of people who inhabit these areas, are Tamilians! These areas are contiguous with the present Madras State!

The State departments had ample evidence and these were arrayed before the Demi-gods at Delhi—but after a cursory glance at these faces and figures, Delhi said, "What if? We have had the pleasure of promising these areas to the Kerala people! Do you dare to ask us to go against our own promises?" The frown was enough to make our masters here to beat a hasty retreat, of course after thanking the Masters at Delhi, for their lessons on Nationalism!

Both the Houses of the State Legislature passed resolutions declaring that these areas do belong to the Tamilians The ministry and the party caucus, made solemn promises to get justice rendered.

Most of the political parties that are at loggerheads on many issues have joined hands in demanding these areas for the Tamilians
There was a successful, peaceful, Hartal throughout the State.

Vox Populi it was, but Delhi thought in a different way and these Tamil areas are today part and parcel of the New Kerala State.

They say from the housetops, that the Communist Ministry in Kerala is bent upon righting all wrongs and restoring the legitimate rights of all people! It is to be seen, whether the ministry now functioning there is going to be really Communist or only a replica of the former Kerala ministries,.

THE CHAPTER IS CLOSED!—says the Chief of our State!-muttering to himself perhaps, that God be thanked for not parcelling out more territory.

'The issue can not be reopened'—say the Parliamentarians of the Congress fold, here.

But let us hear what Harikrishna Mahatab, has to say :—
"There was no doubt injustice was done to Orissa with regard to Saraikela and Kharswan"

How very sincere! And how very bold!!—one is apt to exclaim, especially men of this State, manned by a bunch of 'Yes-Men'.

They here would shudder to mutter the word, 'injustice!' "What a sacrilege—a heinous crime to dub Delhi's decision as injustice—it is the fountainhead of justice and fairplay, the reservoir of prerogatives and privileges and to speak so disparagingly about it is to court hell-fire!" the Hon'ble ministers here are sure to say. But not so Mahatab—he is a man with mettle—and calls a spade a spade!

And Mahatab is not content with that. He promises to render justice to his State.

"The Parliament was the supreme authority and it had passed the bill. They had therefore to wait for the appropriate time to pursue their claims to win their objectives."

When one compares this statement pregnant with rich possibilities, with the indifference shown by the 'Yes-men' in our State, are we not tempted to exclaim, give us men of Mahatab Mettle! Rid us of these Yes-men here!!

Note, the voice of the man with a mission! Hon'ble Mr Mahatab says, "I feel that my work in Orissa is not complete so long as Saraikela and Kharswan are not remerged in Orissa!"

And this is Hon'ble Mahatab's declaration—when the Orissa Assembly passed unanimously a non-official resolution requesting the Government of Orissa to move the Central Government for the appointment of a committee to re-open the Orissa boundary issue to include Saraikela, Kharswan, and Singhbhum Sadar in Orissa on,


While, we find Hon'ble Mahatab, rising equal to the occasion, and making a declaration of sincerity—we here are reminded of the sorrowful spectacle, of more than a hundred Tamilians meekly submitting to the party mandate, and voting against the demand for re-naming our State—or rather giving it its due, by declaring Madras as Tamil Nadu.

Look at this picture and at that!—Ye, Yes-Men Note this, please!
