part in the discussions following the introduction of
the Finance Bill in 1966 in the Rajya Sabha, Anna says
that the amount of taxation raised in the country is so
colossal and the returns to the people by way of social
services, education and health etc., is so meager. He
condemns wasteful duplication of administrative units
and inadequate investment on education, health, water
supply and social services. In a fiery well-informed speech,
Anna demolishes those wishful castles of imagination built
in the air by the Ruling Party regarding the prosperity
and progress of the country. He examines the volume, velocity
and vindictiveness of taxation measures and criticizes
the Government’s almost complete dependence on taxes.
He characterizes the performance of the Government as
poor and charges the Government with the heinous crime
of poor husbanding of the available resources of the country.
He quotes widely divergent authorities ranging from experts
from the Univer Nations and the World Bank to Soviet economists
and a Congress Minister to prove his point of poor performance
by the Government.
accuses the Government of having miserably failed to generate
revenues from the Government’s vast investments in the
public sector. It is refreshing to note that at the time
these papers are edited (1975) there is greater awareness
in the country on the need to earn adequate return from
investments in the public sector.
Chairman, Sir, whenever we from this side of the House
rise to offer our criticism on any of the measures brought
forward by the Government, we do so with a kind of hesitation,
because the sincere criticisims offered are, for erroneous
reasons, commandeered from the other side of the House
as misrepresentations. For instance, from this side of
the House, when we question the rationale behind foreign
aid, Members of the ruling party rise to ask whether any
country can do without such aid. They point out copious
illustrations from the history of the various countries
to show that most of the countries have relied upon foreign
aid. But, Sir, when we question the rationale behind the
growing dimension of aid, we do not mean to say that no
country should take aid from any other country. We are
concerned, as responsible members of the society, about
the nature, the volume, the velocity of the aid taken
and the use to which the aid is being put an dour capacity
for repayment. When we question it, we question the rationale
behind foreign aid. Whenever we put forward that plea,
Members from the ruling side rise to say that we are against
aid as a whole, because in a world which is becoming smaller
and smaller, no country can live without interdependence
with another country. Our purpose in questioning it is
only to find out whether the amount is being put to the
best use, whether we are developing our repayment capacity,
whether the creditor countries have got implicit confidence
in us whenever we demand more and more aid.
we raise a point, especially about taxation measures,
the Members of the ruling Party rise to ask whether any
Government can live without taxes. It is too elementary
to be mentioned in this august House. Nobody thinks that
a welfare State or even a police state can be run without
taxes. But when we question the measure of taxation, we
are concerned with the volume, the velocity and the vindictiveness
of the taxation measure. We have been pointing out many
a time that more and more indirect taxation is being indulged
in. The common man is being taxed more and more, is sugar
is taxed, if kerosene is taxed, if these things are taxed
to such an extent that the regressive nature of indirect
taxation has had its impact on the life of the masses
of this country. That is why we question the rationale
of indirect taxation.
understand, Mr Chairman, that no civilized Government
should depend on taxation alone, for its welfare measures.
A Goverrnment, if it is to be called a welfare Government,
a progressive and modern Government, should not crush
the people with taxation, merely because it needs more
and more money for expenditure. They should prune expenditure.
There should be priorities, and they should augment their
resources, not merely from new taxes, but from the revenues
that have been promised by the public sector. We have
allotted a colossal sum to the public sector and what
is the performance of the public sector? Have we realized
the revenues expected of it? When you have failed woefully,
miserably and continuously in regard to the public sector,
robbing people, robbing Peter to Pay Paul, when you have
indulged in more and more taxation, we on this die of
the House have got a right to question your new taxation
proposals. When I say that the Government should look
to sources other than taxation, I am referring not to
loans, because they have to be repaid. I refer to the
public sector revenues, which we have not been able to
get. I say that the taxation proposals of this Government
are more and more regressive, leading to the grinding
poverty of the people. They point out that all this money
collected by way of taxation is being spent for the welfare
of the people. As a matter of fact, they have stated in
a very enthusiastic manner as follows :
every Plan must evoke popular response if it is to be
successful and since the ultimate objective of planned
development is the improvement in the conditions of living
of the people, the investment on commodity production
has to be matched by allocation of adequate resources
to those activities which constitute an investment in
human resources.”
would like to ask Members of the House through you, Mr.
Chairman, to enlighten me on whether they have carried
out this policy in respect of human resources, whether
they have allotted enough money for social purposes, so
that the common man may feel, that whatever he is paying
by way of taxation, he derives benefit from it. Here it
is further stated:
Fourth Plans has, therefore, provided for a much larger
proportion of the Plan outlay to education, health, water
supply and such order social service sectors.”
Chairman, when I read this very enthusiastic preamble,
I read through the report to find out how they have translated
this into action. It has been stated that they have allotted
more and more money for education, health, water supply,
etc. I find from their presentation, that as far as health
and water supply are concerned, they have allotted and
spent something like Rs.88.53 crores in 1965-66 and they
are now going to allot more and more money for purposes
like health and water supply. This year they are providing
Rs.81.60 crores. Why should we have such enthusiastic
preambles when we cannot translate them into action? For
housing and construction they have Rs.33.56 crores previously
and this year they are allotted Rs.25.08 crores. For the
welfare of backward classes they have allotted Rs.29.34
crores last year and this year they have progressed so
much that they are spending only Rs.24.31 crores. For
labour and labour welfare they have spent Rs.18.19 crores
and now they are going to spend Rs.17.20 crores. For rehabilitation
they have increased it slightly. Instead of Rs.15 crores
they are spending Rs.18 crores. Mr. Chairman, I would
here say that they increase is inadequate if we take into
consideration lakhs and lakhs of repatriates that are
now coming to this country from Burma and Ceylon. As a
matter of fact, if this Government is interested in rehabilitation,
it will have to at least double the amount, because of
lakhs of the people from Ceylon who can make this country
blook with flowers, with fruits, with tea and coffee.
If they are to be rehabilitated, the amount that has now
been raised, i.c. Rs.3 crores, is quite inadequate. On
rural works they have spent Rs.10 crores last year and
they have progressed so much that they are now giving
Rs.8 crores. On social services, they spent Rs.407 crores
last time and now they are spending Rs.300 crores.
I would with your permission, Mr. Chairman, question the
necessity for such an enthusiastic preamble. Maybe the
preamble is written by one officer and the chart is prepared
by another officer and the chart-preparing officer is
not as enthusiastic as the preamble-preparing officer.
This is the sort of problem and this is the sort of method
that is adopted by the Government. The amount of taxation
that has been raised is so colossal and the return to
the people by way so of social services, health, education,
etc. is so meager that I want of find out where all this
money goes. Of course, they say that they have got such
an advanced form of Government, that more and more money
is to be spent on the administrative machinery. They have
promised all sorts of administrative reforms, forgetting
for the moment that there are so many schemes in the pigeonholes
of the Government of India, wherein various administrative
reforms have been adumbrated. Let us hope that the new
Administrative Reforms Commission will be more effective
than the previous one. But we should recognize the fact
and Members of the ruling party should admit their failure
to economise on administrative expenditure. There is not
only multiplication of administrative units but there
is actual duplication of administrative units.
Chairman, we know that the Government of India has got
an official organ for small scale savings and they are
spending a lot of money on it. They are now saying that
the returns are adequate. I am not going into that now.
But when there is an official organization for small scale
savings, I would like to be enlightned by the Government
for the necessity for this. It says :
Savings Mobilisation Board was set up as a Registered
Society in 1964. The objects of the Board inter alia,
are the promotion of savings and investments, in all forms
of the small savings schemes of Government, the Unit Trust
of India and selected Public Sector undertakings. Grants
to the Saving Mobilisation Board will amount to Rs.55
lakhs this year and Rs.65 lakhs next year based on the
actual requirements of the Board.”
this is a sheer waste of money and duplication of institutions.
When the all powerful Government of India has got an official
wing for this purpose, what is the necessity for a non-official
body, though a registed one, getting Rs.55 lakhs and Rs.65
lakhs as grants from the Government? This sort of wastage
is taking place in every field. It is therefore, I say
that they should look to sources other than taxation,
especially the public sector revenue. They should so prune
their administrative expenditure, that multiplication
and duplication are put an end to.
when we point out that the performance of this Government
is very poor, the Members of the ruling Party here and
elsewhere, assume an air of amazement and arrogate to
themselves a professional tone, and ask us to remember
that even Russia had to wait for two decades and even
three decades. We ask them for an explanation for their
failure and not for an elementary lesson in Russian history.
We know Russia and we know Russian history. To compare
the time taken by Russia for effecting improvements with
the time taken by India for economic development is something
so ludicrous that it is unworthy of being mentioned in
this august House. What was Russia after her revolution
and how was India when the flag was unfurled at the Red
Fort? True it is that the British bled us white. But this
country was not left in an uprooted state. The whole farmland
was devastated. Whole families were uprooted and society
was in the throes of panic and disorder. And from that
her leaders, the leaders of Russia, had to take the country
along the path of progress and they have advanced and
the time of plenty has become a possibility for them.
put Russia after the revolution and India after her independence,
on the same plane. I challenge the Members of the ruling
Party to present the comparative pictures of these two
situations, before any august House and await the verdict
of that august assembly. In 1947, when Independence was
granted to India, India was not in the same situation,
in a similar situation or in an identical situation that
Russia was in, after the Revolution. Another point it
that the process and the methods of development in the
eighteenth century were different from those of the nineteenth
century and different from the twentieth. In between,
technological and scientific achievements have gathered
such momentum that if it took 20 years in the eighteenth
century to attain a level of economic development, in
five years. Russia did not have that time, all this technology
and science. What is needed in the modern age is a correct
appraisal and a correct application of modern technology
and scientific achievements. But what Russia had to do
at that time, was not the application of science. To compare
that Russia with the present-day India, is something ludicrous.
If I give a fine typewriter to my young son and ask him
to prepare a draft and if he takes two hours, well, naturally
I get irritated and ask him, “Why are you sluggish?” And
if my son were to retort “Grandfather took a whole day
to prepare a draft.” Is he being impertinent, or is he
being foolish? Because his grandfather did not have a
fine typewriter, he had to prepare a parchment, he had
to sharpen his quill. All this he had to do and so he
took a whole day to prepare the draft. But here I have
given my son a fine typewriter. The modern age has given
India a fine typewriter and if you do not know the keyboard,
who is to blame, if you take such a long time and if you
make such sluggish motions? Of course you say you are
moving. Yes, even a snail says it is moving. All, except
mountains and trees, move, even insects move. But if in
spite of the application of science, in spite of the application
of modern technology and the large amounts of taxes collected
and the colossal amounts of aid you have got, if the progress
is not there, then we are bound to and therefore we criticize
the Government. But here, Mr. Chairman, is the finding
not a competitive body but a competent body. They may
say that we on this side are a competitive body and they
may not heed our criticism. But here is the finding of
a competent body. A team of the United Nations Organisations
has said that the rate of growth of the Indian economy
was the lowest in Asia, and yet they assume an air of
affront and say we question their achievements. At least
they can give the research team of the U.N. the credit
for having a rudimentary knowledge of economic systems.
They say that the most unfortunate aspect of India’s economic
performances, for the last decade, is that it has been
uniformly poor, in every major sector of economic activity,
including agriculture and manufactures. Rich indeed, Mr.
Chairman, are the phrases that are given to us in tribute.
We are uniformly poor in every major sector and with the
sole exception of Indonesia, India finds herself at the
lowest rung of the ladder of economic performance in Asia.
But the members of the ruling Party, will rush up to the
top of the ladder and shout at the top of their voices,
“We have progressed”. Evidently capital has been misinvested,
and wastefully utilized. Together with the excessive Government
expenditure this has resulted in inflation. This coupled
with the other factors has begun to act as a drag on the
economy, affecting growth adversely. What says the ruling
Party to this finding? It does not come from a disgruntled
politician. It does not come from the Opposition Party.
They are obstinate. It comes from the research team of
the U.N. It is a lame excuse when they say that the rate
of growth is slow because we do not have technical assistance,
that we do have the proper know how. But the World Bank
team dispels event hat illusion. The World Bank team says
that India does not lack technical know how, hard work
or even the necessary finance, but suffers from poor husbanding
of available resources. Whatever may be the defects of
Indian society, Mr. Chairman, we are considered to be
very good husbands, but this Government is charged with
this heinous crime of poor husbanding of available resources.
The team goes on :
are lopsided; e.g., big irrigation projects are preferred
to the much needed fertilizer plants. Even the minimum
land reforms have not been implemented. Legislation is
passed but no real effort is taken for implementation”.
this, I know the members of the ruling Party have got
another answer; the Americans and American tutored people
are always prejudiced against us and therefore they pass
such uncharitable remarks. I have got, Mr. Chairman, finer
colours to offer. Here is a structure from the Soviet
side. A Soviet team has written.
The policy of becoming self-sufficient in too many lines
at the same time, has back-fired. The number of big projects
undertaken to become independent of imports, is very large.
If it had concentrated on a few schemes and completed
them with maintenance requirements the results would have
been far more rewarding. They would have maximized production;
there would have been adequate returns and the public
sector would have gained prestige.”
Chairman I have summoned, to defend me, economic experts,
the United Nations Organisation and the World Bank and
if the Government is not satisfied with all these strictures,
I would present them some home made toffee too. Here is
the Congress Minister, Mr. Sanjiva Reddy. He has said
recently, the problems like food deficit and fertilizer
scarcity were the result of defective planning and lack
of a realistic approach by the Planning Commission; there
should be a radical change in the approach towards the
country’s problems by the Planning Commission. I think
that the cup ought to have been full by this time and
is it any wonder, and is it justifiable, that we should
be brought to the guillotine if we present all this criticism
in our own humble way? What right has this Government
to demand more and more taxes, when their performance
is of such a low order? I think that this Government,
after having taxed the people so much, has not given proper
returns or proper accounts to the nation. Therefore, though
I realize that I do not have the power to stop it, I cannot
abet a crime of allocating colossal sums to this inefficient,
unrealistic unresponsive and undemocratic Government that
is being carried on. But whatever may be the criticism
that is offered on this side, they have their numbers
and their logic is based on numbers. Therefore, Mr Chairman,
offering this criticism, we have to go to the other forum
and receive justice from the only source, the first source,
the priary source, the public and Mr. Chairman we are
confident of getting a proper verdict.